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PhilippinenBacolod City / Philippines
Visit to the Binhi Project
[Translate to english:] Theaterprobe im Binhi-Projekt
Quelle: M. Kreuzberg

Report from Bacolod City / Philippines
I visit staff and children of the Binhi project

Last night I was invited to dinner at a family's house. Their 11 year old son James is with the Binhi Project. He is a very good student with a preference for mathematics. For dinner we had rice, fish and oysters. I preferred to leave the latter. It was a very special experience. It showed me very impressively how good we have it in Germany.

James lives in very poor circumstances. His father is a fisherman. The "fishing boat" is a kind of small raft made of styrofoam and bamboo. The family lives in a slum on the water. I only have pictures of the inside, because it was already dark outside. They are tiny rooms with plywood walls and corrugated iron roofs. The "houses" are close together. There is no privacy.

Today I visited the Binhi project. I was allowed to be a guest at the rehearsal of a small play. The play will be performed in mid-February. It is about children who plunder the garden of an old woman. Fairies and earth spirits convert them to good.

I also met again the boy from whom I bought a self-painted picture during my last visit. I brought a greeting from Germany in the form of peaked caps.

My journey continues. I report again.



[Translate to english:] Einladung zum Abendessen
[Translate to english:] Proben für die Theateraufführung
[Translate to english:] Kinder stärken sich nach der Probe
[Translate to english:] Künstler
[Translate to english:] Vorbereitungen für die Theaterproben